This class will focus on foundational obedience commands such as sit, down, stay, come and other essentials. Potty training, crate training, chewing and jumping will also be addressed.
This class extends the commands learned in basic obedience. More real world scenarios owners would face with their dog out in public will be covered.
This class introduces medium obstacles and equipment to aid in confidence building and forming a stronger relationship with your dog. Off-leash agility will begin here.
Therapy class is essential to those that want to have a certified therapy dog that they can trust in any situation.
This class will focus on foundational obedience commands such as sit, down, stay, come and other essentials with added distractions and longer duration.
This class will push your dog to the pinnacle of their abilities, on and off leash. Confronting real world challenges that you will face with your dog.
This class is an extension of the basic agility class, with added difficulty and 100% off-leash structure. This class introduces complex obstacles to push each dog’s athletic abilities to the max.
This class will focus on foundational obedience commands such as sit, down, stay, and other essentials specifically with dogs that are reactive around dogs/people/distractions
This class is a fun class dedicated to teaching your dog both basic and advanced tricks. Expect to laugh a lot and have a great time with your dog in this class!
A combination of agility, trick training & nosework. Allows you to spend a couple weeks with each type of class to allow for your dog to show you what they enjoy the most.